Welcome to Christian Ministries in Africa
Headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, CMIA is a Bible believing, non-denominational, independent mission that is reaching out with the love of Christ to the people of Africa.
Come and see how God is working through Christian Ministries in Africa to impact the Kingdom for Christ, and see how He can use you to make a personal difference in this ministry
Our Beliefs
The church planting arm of CMIA is called Church on the Rock Africa (COTRA). Church on the Rock Africa holds the following core beliefs.
- COTRA is established to worship God in the fullness of Scripture, thereby giving Him glory!
- COTRA is a witness of the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- COTRA pastors will preach the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ according to Holy Scriptures.
- COTRA believes in the mission of going into all the world that the gospel of Jesus Christ might be proclaimed and will devote all resources to fulfill it.
- COTRA is called to serve the needs of people in the community.
- COTRA is a spiritual home to those who come through its doors.
- COTRA is a place where people can grow in their relationship with God and with man.
- COTRA is a place where people can begin their training for the ministry and work to which God has called them.
- COTRA is a place where the needy can be filled, the sick can find healing and the lonely can find a family.
- COTRA is a place which will strive to be pleasing to the Lord in all of it’s ways.